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Free Law Firm Marketing Consultation From Our Experts

Our team is ready to build the custom marketing strategy that will take your law firm to the next level. 

Fill out the form here, then book a time to speak to our experts that's convenient for you.


Where Do I Start?

After attorneys read our book or attend one of our presentations, the question we get most often is "where do I start?”.

There is so much information about what you must do to be successful in marketing a law firm online. We understand that it can be difficult to know which strategies will work best for you or which you should implement first.

Our legal marketing experts will discuss your firm’s goals with you to determine what will work best for your firm and market. We’re here to answer any questions you may have from our presentation and to help filter through the noise to suggest strategies that will work for your firm specifically.


“GNGF is definitely the best web and marketing company that I’ve ever worked with, and that’s saying a lot. During my 30+ years of practice I’ve worked with numerous companies and in-house marketing coordinators. Unfortunately, I was never satisfied. I was always promised more than was delivered, and sometimes I was fooled, because let’s face it, it’s hard to know what’s really going on with all this stuff.

Fortunately, for the last 2.5 years I’ve been working with the GNGF team, and they’ve been incredible teachers. They listen, share their vision, and they’ve always delivered.
They’ve truly transformed our site and our marketing.
The team is not only responsive, they’re organized and creative. More important than those qualities, they’re friendly and truly skilled adapters of their ever-evolving trade."

—Cheryl David, 
Law Offices of Cheryl David

A GNGF Marketing Consultation Call Is:


We want to know where you want your law firm to go before we can help you develop your marketing strategy.

While you can outsource the execution of your marketing tactics, at GNGF we strongly believe that your law firm marketing strategy should not be outsourced.

YOU need to be integral in your firm's strategy to make sure your marketing efforts map to your business and personal goals.

You will leave this call with a new awareness of the marketing questions you should be asking to help achieve your goals.


Our team just loves spreadsheets. But this strange obsession is your gain.

Our data nerds are constantly testing and pulling numbers from different sources to analyze what is working best.  Because we only work with law firms, we are able to pull together this data and analytics from hundreds of law firm websites to see any trends and apply this knowledge across our clients' marketing efforts.

On this 30-minute consultation call, you can rest easy knowing that our advice is based on what data has proven to actually work—not just something we read in a marketing blog.


Actionable Advice, Tailored to Your Firm! 

The right marketing tactics for you will depend on your firm's goals, practice area, city, and what your competition is doing.  

There are so many online marketing tactics that many firms freeze and don't make any decisions. Our legal marketing experts will help you understand the tactics that will have the highest chance of success specifically for you AND will tell you what marketing tactics you can completely ignore right now

W hether you want to talk about your site’s readiness for mobile and voice search, growing your leads with better quality and targeted paid advertising, or just need help wading through local SEO, our legal marketing experts will give it to you straight with specific, actionable advice.


One thing that sets GNGF apart from many other law-firm marketing agencies is our requirement that our clients must be involved in the marketing process with us. 

If you are looking for an agency where you throw money over-the-wall to buy a laundry list of generic deliverables, never hear from them for months, receive generic report emails, and then cross your fingers and hope for the best, GNGF is NOT the right agency for you. 

However, if you want to work with an agency that understands your personal and business goals, tailors a marketing strategy with  you, and gets on the phone with you every month to discuss the tactics being used to meet your goals then GNGF would be a great fit.


“Prior to finding Get Noticed Get Found (GNGF) we had an agency that cared only about the bottom line and not about their customers. Switching over to GNGF was the best thing we could have ever done for our criminal law practice. They make you feel like you are a member of their family with their individualized attention that they give you. Since we started using them 5 years ago, our online presence has grown and well surpassed our expectations. If you are looking for a company to increase your online presence and help build your business, contact GNGF today!!!”

—Phillip Greenberg
Greenberg & Greenberg

A Customized Consultation—Completely Free

Exclusively for you, we are offering this consultation for FREE.

On this phone call, you can expect to take away actionable items to protect your referrals and grow your leads.

What to expect:

  • Goal Setting
    • Review of current marketing efforts
    • Discussion on 'real' ROI - no fake 'marketing math'  
    • Discussion about your areas of concern or where we see issues -- including but not limited to:
      • Your Website
      • Local Search
      • Reviews & Reputation Management
      • Social Media
      • SEO - content strategies and backlinks
      • Paid Advertising
      • Analytics


"Things are going great since we have been working with GNGF. About half of our internet leads are becoming clients and we are now able to turn down more bad cases. We are getting multiple good cases per week off of our Google leads. The good problem we have is that we are becoming full caseload-wise and are now recruiting new attorneys. We highly recommend GNGF to anyone (except our competitors)."

—David J. Crouse
Crouse Law Group


Preparation Meets Opportunity

You will receive a questionnaire that we need you to complete before your call. 

To gain the most benefit from this call, we ask that you be prepared to discuss:

- Your goals for your firm—Do you want to grow and have a larger staff? Or, instead of growing, maybe you just want to be more selective and only take the cases you want to work on? Do you want to spend more time on legal matters and less time running marketing? Or do you want to work 'on the business' more and less in the day-to-day client details?

- Your current business and marketing key metrics — Many law firms don't have all of the detail we ask for at their fingertips, but spending 15 minutes in a few quickbooks reports and your intake tracking spreadsheet can provide valuable data for our marketing consultants.
- Your current marketing plan—This doesn't have to be a formal plan, but at a minimum what different areas are you spending on marketing and why?

- The goals of that marketing plan—What do you use to measure the success of the marketing efforts?

Remember, this call is designed to help YOU grow YOUR law firm.

We want our recommendations tailored to your marketing goals, so preparation will allow you to receive the most out of the session.

Schedule My Consultation!

About GNGF

Educating & Empowering Lawyers Since 2011

GNGF (Get Noticed Get Found) is a full-service marketing agency that serves only lawyers and law firms. Our team is recognized as leading authorities on law firm marketing strategy, search marketing, website design, paid traffic, and more.

A Trusted Agency:







Helping Law Firms Since 2011


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“GNGF has proven to me why they are leaders in their field. The marketing work done by the GNGF team goes far beyond successful rankings and a website we can take pride in…At GNGF, I am treated with personal attention. Of course, the new business gained from our web efforts is nice too.”

— Morris Lilienthal, Esq.
Martinson & Beason, P.C.